Torin Ratibor of Bastet Beauty

Torin, our dignified Duke, was the first male World Champion at Bastet Beauty. Born on January 16, 2016, this Blue Lynx Point Mitted Siberian was known for his fierce yet majestic temperament. A Triple Grand Champion and a lord of his time, Torin’s legacy continues to inspire.

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    World Champion Prize of Honor (WCH PH)

  • WCF Master


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A little bit about Torin Ratibor of Bastet Beauty

Torin Ratibor Of Bastet Beauty Siberian Neva Masquerade Male Cat 2 945x1024

Breed: Siberian Neva Masquerade

Sex: Male

Date of birth: January 16, 2016

Color: Blue Lynx Point Mitted Siberian (SIB a 21 33)

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